May 28, 2013

  • Tuesday 28th May





    Winter is seriously upon us.

    There is snow down low all over the islands.
    Many roads are closed.

    None here but we are feeling the chilly effects of it's presence.
    The girls have kept the two wood fires going and I have turned on the large heater in the hall to try and keep the chill at bay in the bedrooms.

    The cold is slowing us all down.
    Don't really want to do anything that is going to take us away from the heaters!


    Shoshannah whizzed round to The Croft to feed Anson's puppies.
    Mahalia went and found Olly and let him have a feed in the home section, but he got left too long and decided to do some gardening so has been banished again!

    I am trying to get more of the clearing out done but days just go by and the inspiration is not really there.
    I want to do it but the body is not co-operating.
    I did however back the Regulus down to the backdoor and begin to load all the boxes and bags in that have been waiting in the kitchen.
    So the living area is looking loads better.

    Seb came up and then went out to do some checks on our mussel farms.
    Another couple of guys came in to do an independent assessment of them all so we can try and get the business mess between us and our ex skipper and partner sorted.
    We need to try and get this achieved soon so we can all move on in our separate directions.

    It has been a day of deciding what day I am heading to town next.
    It has been hinging on Shoshannah's STAR courses and Marah.
    The Carpentry course scheduled for this Thursday was off, then it was on again and then it was finally cancelled when yet one more person pulled out.
    So in some ways Shoshannah is pleased cuz she doesn't have to go to town this week and I am too cuz I can go a day later..



    Anson spent most of the day in the hospital with Marah.
    She is strapped up to the monitors so they can keep a track of the baby.
    He blood pressure is far too high and she has very little fluid around the baby which is even more of a concern.
    Anson took this photo of his lady love before he left to drive home.
    She's happy to be there and know they are looking out for her and the babe.
    When I commented to her about how brave she was to allow this photo on FB she said that everyone knows having a baby is not a glamorous occasion, so no worries, and I have her full permission to use it here  laughing

    Actually Marah - you might not think you look glamorous, but you are still gorgeous winky


    Anson arrived in just on dark and came round for dinner.
    We had lots to talk about while it was cooking.

    Shoshannah made a delicious lettuce salad

    and a warm roasted vege salad

    which we ate with sausages.
    Then we finished off with Aunty Liz's delicious cakes.

    Anson called up Cat for a chat, then passed the phone to me and he headed home.
    We talked for a while and then I had to go to bed.
    My early mornings are catching up on me.
    I fell asleep watching Frasier.