May 23, 2013

  • Thursday 23rd May




    I slept in so only had half an hour to get ready this morning.
    Did a scramble and raced upstairs and got the kids moving.
    We were gone by 8am.
    I was glad we had gotten away as planned because we had a good run almost to town.
    Just hit the queue beginning to build at the Ridgeway.


    Got to the city centre at 8:30am so had time to get a frappacino, fill two kids tummies, post some mail, and get to my 9am appointment on time.
    Azzan set himself up in the Nelson Beauty Therapy waiting area with my laptop and he contentedly filled in the hour watching podcasts.
    I had ordered a taxi to pick up Mahalia at 9:40am and take her to harp lesson.
    Shoshannah walked down the street for her 9:45am appointment with Helen Loveday.
    With the three kids all organised I laid back and relaxed and enjoyed my hour with Julie and Amanda.
    I took a call offering me an earlier appointment with Scott so I took it.

    Azzan came with me and set up camp in the Loveday Clinic waiting room.
    I whizzed upstairs and caught the last few minutes of Shoshannah's appointment.
    Then she walked back to her next appointment with Amanda.

    I had to wait for a wee while until Scott was ready and ended up having quite a social session in the waiting room.
    Marianne had just finished with John, so we had a good old catch up.
    Azzan was watching a fascinating podcast about the sea life at the Galapagos Islands so we were sharing some of that with him plus talking with the receptionist.
    Then Bedelia walked in, so some quick catching up there and then Scott called me through.
    I have only had two sessions and my shoulder is feeling so much better already.

    Shoshannah was lost in Farmer's trying on clothes when we eventually caught up with her.
    Then I lost Azzan to the Living Lights shop where he stayed for ages talking with his friend there.

    I zipped over and got hot potatoes for lunch, including one for Azzan to deliver to Auckland for Sunni.
    Michelle was very amused to hear it was being flown up there with Azzan laughing
    Then back to check on Azzan, he was okay and wanted to stay talking so I went to dig Shoshannah out of Farmers.
    Finally went back and got Azzan.
    His friend had given him a wee gift for me and another for him to take up to Auckland.
    He was delighted.
    He loves candles.
    I took a photo of them before we left.

    Then we drove out to the airport.
    Azzan was very pleased that the time had finally come for him to leave.
    I got him all checked in.
    He was flying as an unaccompanied minor so had to wear the red necktag.
    He wasn't too sure about that!

    I had to wait there with him until everyone else had boarded and then the hostess took him to the plane.
    I got loads of hugs as he was leaving.

    He text me later to say he had arrived safely.
    I have given him Tim's cell phone so he can contact me.


    Shoshannah and I then headed off to get some groceries at the wholesaler.
    She checked out the Red Cross shop across the road while I whizzed in and got a few items.
    Stopped to pick up some baby gear for Marah & Anson.
    Then back into town.

    I left Shoshannah with Mahalia and they walked down to do some op shopping before going to the library.
    I had an hour to go visit Paula & Dave.
    It was really nice to just sit and enjoy Paula's company.
    At 5pm I had to leave to pick up the girls, then I whizzed along to Starbucks and got myself a final frappaccino for the day.
    Liz was shopping nearby so we chatted for a wee while before the girls got impatient to leave.

    It was good to have waited a while because the worst of the evening traffic had left.
    We didn't get caught in it until way towards the Richmond end of the motorway.
    The girls wanted to suss out Farmers at Richmond Mall as it is a much larger shop with more stock.

    On the way to the store I saw some super cool boots at Hannah's.
    The best part was they had them in my size and they fitted.
    So much to Mahalia's disappointment I bought a pair for me but none for her!

    I let them loose in Farmers sale for a while then rounded them back up at 7pm.
    Paid for what they had bought and then drove around the corner to have dinner with David & Sasha.
    Andrea & Ross joined us and we all had a very pleasant evening.
    D&S had cooked a roast of mutton with veges and excellent gravy winky
    Andrea bought a delicious feijoa & apple crumble.

    One pair of Mahalia's brand new socks had holes in it so I took Ross and the socks and went back to Farmers on the way home.
    Andrea took the girls and they were all tucked up in bed by the time we returned.

    We have to be away gain in the morning by 8am.
    I was so hoping to be out of town early but tomorrows to do list has grown longer and longer.