April 1, 2013

  • Monday 1st April




    I woke up at 6:50am today.

    Crept out of bed to go say goodbye to the travelers but there was no sign of life anywhere.

    So I sat out in the kitchen with my drink and laptop.

    Then David & Sasha arrived down.

    Seb drove over to pick up the '88 South'.

    Went back home to see the fishing party off before returning to take the crew out fishing.


    The morning sky was amazing.

    Went out to take photos.

    These are but a few of them!

    Sandy and family were preparing to leave by this point so I watched them loading up from above.

    Family portrait before they load themselves onto the boat.

    David and Sasha enjoying a theatrical view

    Byee, till next time xxxx

    Sasha decided to make some lunch for the travelers.

    Bri & Abby arrived down soon after so we had our final farewells with them as they were heading back to Christchurch.

    The children were all getting up by this time.

    The fisherfolk were getting prepared when Seb arrived around 9am.

    Graham, Jeff & Pehe, Glenn, Cat, Sasha & David joined Seb, Phoebe, Mike & Kerry.

    They headed out to the Chetwodes to dive and fish for the morning.

    Leeann went out kayaking instead.


    The kids and I stayed back and chilled.

    Azzan was buzzing around setting up April Fool jokes.

    He was getting right into it.

    I was going to hop in the spa but Anson & Marah arrived so that idea went out the window.

    We absolutely cracked up cuz Azzan forgot about one joke he had set and came rushing in the door after setting another and got caught in his own booby trap.

    He got soaked when the container of water fell on him!

    Then Olivia & Genevieve came to visit too.

    Christine & Less came up so we talked over tea and buns.


    Mahalia gave Marah a lovely relaxing pedicure before Anson dragged her off home again.

    She had to go bare foot so she didn't smudge the polish winky


    The fisherfolk returned around 1pm.

    Sparrows then headed off to catch fish and our guys unpacked.

    Glenn left to go back to Christchurch around 3pm.


    I was so tired that I was falling asleep at the table so decided to make something to eat and go to bed.

    Azzan made me some cheese toasties and iced cranberry juice.

    I went to bed and watched 'Sense & Sensibility' - it is the shorter version.

    Not too sure how much I missed because I think I went to sleep.

    But what I saw I enjoyed.

    I was lying in bed here watching the movie and semi expecting Tim to come hop in for an afternoon nap with me.

    It was so disappointing that he didn't sad


    I tried to tidy up the study and get some paperwork done.

    Have to pack for town tomorrow.

    I so do not feel like going out but have a list of things we have to be doing, so not really any choice.

    Plus once I leave I will be fine.

    Jesika phoned and chatted with us.

    Then she phoned Sasha and they had a long 2 hour talk.


    Sasha helped make dinner.

    Yummy rice and lettuce salads, fresh fried fish, and broccoli & blue cheese soup.

    Azzan helped the older ones do the dishes.

    Azzan through a bit of a wobbly after dinner when I was asking him to get his stuff sorted.

    It was just too much for me and I crashed in tears in the study.

    I just didn't have the energy to deal with him.

    He came in later and asked me if I hated him now bummed


    Once the kids had gone to bed and I had gotten some online banking done I sat in the peace and quiet of the sitting room with David & Sasha and enjoyed a good talk.

    Life here is just way to busy most of the time and we don't get time out to just talk much.

    It was good.

    Now it is time to head of to bed cuz tomorrow is the beginning of a busy week.



    I was going through my stash of cards to find some wedding and birthday cards to post tomorrow when I came across one I had made a while back.

    The words say -

    'Hope dances in the puddles 'til the sun comes out again.'

    I like that happy