October 16, 2012

  • Tuesday 16th October





    For me today was a total right off sad

    I woke feeling very fuggy.

    Managed to struggle through a few hours in the study sorting some paper work that had to be done.

    Headache just got worser and worser.

    Azzan wanted me to check out his room so I went down and sat in the sun while he massaged my neck and shoulders.

    It was lovely but didn't take away the ache.

    In fact it just got worse and I was beginning to feel really sick.

    So at around midday I pulled the cord on the phone, turned off my cell phone and asked Shanni to organise lunch.

    I took some Panadeine, pulled the curtains and went to bed.

    I stayed there for around 3 hours.

    Woke feeling slightly better.

    There is not much worse than the cloudy fuggy head you get during & after a headache - and this one was more like a migraine than what I normally get.


    During the morning Ellie had been busy in the garden finishing the asparagus patch for me and then she did the rhubarb bed too.

    She dug up another bowl of new potatoes.

    Shanni has been busy planting out seedlings and getting beds prepared.


    I got up and went out to get some stuff done.

    Everyone had gone out mustering sheep.

    I put the chickpeas that I had soaked overnight - and almost all day - on to boil.

    Then I remembered Ross had text me at 11:30am asking me to call.

    I couldn't have talked then but I tried now - just 4 hours later!

    Still wasn't too hot but managed to make some sense - I think bummed

    I finished talking with him then Phoebe text me and between us we spent time and many phone calls sorting out the power company - man! the protocol they have to go through just to change the names on an account, crazy!

    When I got back to the kitchen the chickpeas had boiled dry and were burnt black and the kitchen was full of horrid smelling smoke stunned


    There went my idea of making hummus.

    Azzan & Ellie arrived home.

    They had gotten confused with their directions and ended up mustering the wrong paddock on the wrong side of the fence - actually they mustered an empty paddock!!

    So they gave up and walked home.

    The others arrived home later on.

    I made rhubarb and apple crumble for dessert and decided that while the oven was hot I would make some flapjack slice.

    But I was feeling pretty out of it so Mahalia offered to make it.

    I sat and read the instructions to her.

    Not too sure what happened but the mixture turned out completely different to any other flapjack slice I have made.

    But it was okay so we popped it in the oven before dinner.

    It was a real bitzer of a dinner - we all had different foods.

    Tim, Shanni & Ellie at the remaining fish pie with brown rice and carrots.

    Mahalia had lasagne & carrots - I sometimes buy her wee frozen packs of lasagne as she loves it and it helps to get some food into her!!

    Azzan and I had poached eggs - his on toast with veges and mine with rice and carrots.

    My stomach wasn't up to eating much.

    Dessert was a different story though!

    We all enjoyed the crumble - it was delicious.

    Mahalia checked her slice but it still needed some cooking.

    We cleaned up dinner and headed off to bed as it was late.

    Shanni had burnt her hand before dinner so went out to get some burn gel and found the slice still cooking merrily away.

    Actually it was burnt and inedible.

    Burnt food - twice in one afternoon.

    I shouldn't even try to cook when I am feeling like this bummed